
CoOportunity Health Of Iowa

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CO-OPs still searching for their Holy Grail

Several minutes into "Monty Python and the Holy Grail," two men wander through a medieval village. "Bring out your dead," they shout as they pull a cart of plague-stricken...

CO-OPs face uncertain financial future

Risk adjustment, reinsurance and the  controversial risk corridor program may not be enough to protect consumer operated and oriented health plans from the consequences of rapid growth, according to a recent report from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

Iowa insurance commissioner seeks liquidation of CoOportunity Health

Iowa's insurance commissioner announced Friday that he will seek liquidation of the state's CoOportunity Health. The order should take effect on Feb. 28.

Trouble ahead if Iowa Co-Op enters liquidation

A statement from the Iowa Insurance Division to agents and brokers paints a foreboding picture for CoOpportunity Health, which is now under state control due to insufficient funding.

Affordable Care Act grandfathering driving costs up, Blues say

The Obama administration's decision last fall to let consumers keep certain plans that weren't compliant with the Affordable Care Act may have led to some insurers proposing higher premiums...

CO-OPs attain lopsided success

The nation's 23 nonprofit CO-OPs created by the Affordable Care Act have an uneven track record as the enrollment deadline for individual plans approaches, The New York Times reported, with price emerging as a determinant of success.