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Latest Headlines

Brokers take on new role as reform navigator

As the Affordable Care Act changes the insurance landscape, more than 35 percent of health insurance brokers now act as navigators for plans offered on the exchanges, according to a new Aflac survey of more than 300 brokers.

CMS to dish out $60M on navigators for 2015 enrollment

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services announced Tuesday that it will spend at least $60 million on navigators for the next enrollment period, reports  The Hill. 

CMS to challenge state navigator restrictions

Now that several states have passed laws either limiting the reach of navigators or burdening them with additional requirements, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services said it's ready to push back against these restrictions, The Washington Post reported.

Librarians increasingly offer insurance guidance

A growing demand for health information has turned librarians into health insurance guides, Kaiser Health News reported.

Federal court blocks navigator limits in Missouri

States that use a federally-facilitated exchange rather than create their own can't make it more difficult to operate those exchanges, a federal district court in Missouri ruled Thursday.

State legislation aims to stop reform implementation

In South Carolina, lawmakers hope a bill will stop reform implementation in the state, while legislation in Missouri would suspend insurers' licenses if they accept federal subsidies.

Strict navigator laws impede consumer access to insurance

Insurers face an uphill battle in states that have passed laws limiting how navigators can help consumers learn about and buy insurance.

Navigator requirements threaten reform enrollment

Insurers could potentially see fewer enrollments if they sell plans on health insurance exchanges in certain states that are working to prevent consumers from learning about and accessing the marketplace.

State exchanges face enrollment roadblocks

It's not only the federal health insurance exchange that's run into multiple problems, some state marketplaces like those in California and New York also are experiencing roadblocks to getting consumers enrolled.

State navigator laws undermine exchange enrollment

Now that open for enrollment has begun, consumers will likely have many questions about the health insurance exchanges, including how to enroll and whether they qualify for subsidies. The problem, however, is 13 states have passed laws or regulations that prevent navigators from guiding consumers in exchange-related matters.